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Race horse search results for Randy Vega'

RACE 2 @ 2:25PM

Race 2 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.3Pfr Road Rage
2ndNo.8Back Spin
3rdNo.7It Takes a Village
#2 - Livewire Honey
ODDS: 52-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Matt Whitekiller

RACE 3 @ 2:50PM

Race 3 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.3Rf Livies Buckshot
2ndNo.2Pt Kaileigh
3rdNo.5Knuckle Buster
#7 - Favorite Turnpike
ODDS: 7-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Matt Whitekiller

RACE 4 @ 3:15PM

Race 4 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.5Vesper Martini
2ndNo.8Cowboy On the Fly
3rdNo.1Shadowing Pt
#2 - Big Beautiful Bertha
ODDS: 41-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Matt Whitekiller

RACE 8 @ 4:55PM

Race 8 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.6Racys Pilot
2ndNo.5Rl Hondo
3rdNo.1Kams Relentless
#4 - Stolin Home Brew
ODDS: 26-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Matt Whitekiller

RACE 9 @ 5:20PM

Race 9 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.6Nay Borhood Nipsey
2ndNo.8De Elegant Aj
3rdNo.5Prized Blue Wagon
#10 - Sparky Kazaam
ODDS: 5-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Joaquin Lopez

RACE 10 @ 5:45PM

Race 10 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.2One Ladys Corona
2ndNo.9Apolitical Style
3rdNo.7Miss Tambien Wrangle
#8 - Nsm Jessysrelentless
ODDS: 9-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Marla Dayana Vargas

RACE 3 @ 5:50PM

Race 3 Finished

Winning Results
1stNo.3Bv Regalo Blue
2ndNo.7Ts Moonin At the End
3rdNo.6Wolf Mountain
#7 - Ts Moonin At the End
ODDS: 3-1
Jockey: Randy Vega
TRAINER: Manuel Mojica Campos

Jockey search results for "Randy Vega" on 2024-09-16.
